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Health And Safety Policy Statement

Health and safety in the built environment is not a matter to be taken lightly. In fact, health and safety needs to be at the forefront of our minds in every aspect of construction at all times. To this end, it is the company’s firm policy to take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all employees in the fulfilment of its moral, legal and economic responsibilities.

BUILNERGY has the highest regard for the wellbeing of all persons involved in its activities and others who may be incidental to them.

As far as reasonably practical all efforts will be made, and appropriate resources made available to maintain a safe and healthy environment at every location under the Company’s control. The Company’s requirements and expectations in relation to the management of Health and Safety are documented within the Company’s policies and procedures, which include the requirements of the BUILNERGY H&S Policy.

It is the Company’s view that all accidents and work related incidents of ill health can be prevented by adherence to these policies and procedures and by taking a positive and proactive approach towards Health & Safety.

The Company expects and requires all levels of management and supervision to actively initiate and pursue ways and means of making the working environment as safe and healthy as possible by eliminating hazards and reducing OH&S risks. It is the responsibility of all employees to comply with their legal, moral and Company safety duties.

It is the policy of the Company that at each working location the senior team members are responsible for implementing the Company’s Health & Safety Policy. Every employee, worker, agent and supply chain partner have a duty to comply with all reasonable requests.

We are committed to working with our clients and other external interested parties to manage and control Health & Safety risks. Managing safety, health and wellbeing and engaging with, and training our workforce are integral to how we work, through the consultation and participation of workers.

The Company’s organisational arrangements and procedures are so structured as to discharge the responsibilities of duty holders under the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 of the United Kingdom  and the Factories, Offices And Shops Act, 1970 (act 328) etc. wherever these duties apply.

It is the policy of the Company that all persons working on or visiting any site must wear safety helmet, safety footwear, hand protection, high visibility clothing and other appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing as required or dictated by the either site circumstances or the Principal contractor.

The Director responsible for Health & Safety will also ensure that the Company Health & Safety Policy and procedures are kept under review and revised as necessary to continually improve Health & Safety management and performance; he will be supported in monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of this policy by the Group Health & Safety Director.